POLICY: Academic Regulations - External Examiner Regulations POLICY URL: /policy/bf8e7f11-a961-45a9-aa4d-dbbb179e3085 POLICY STATEMENT: The School is committed to upholding high academic standards through collaboration with external examiners. Our regulations require module and programme leaders to engage closely with external examiners in drafting summative assessments, scrutinising marking, and participating in examination boards. External examiners ensure that processes are followed, providing students with confidence and contributing to continuous improvement. POLICY PRINCIPLES: ------------------ - Independence : Ensuring external examiners are free from any conflicts of interest, enabling unbiased evaluation; - Expertise : Selecting examiners with relevant expertise to provide informed and authoritative insights; - Objectivity : Upholding impartial assessment and feedback on academic standards and student performance; - Credibility : Appointing respected academics to bolster the integrity of our academic judgement; - Transparency : Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of external examiners within the School’s assessment structure; - Confidentiality : Maintaining strict confidentiality regarding student work and examination processes; - Equity : Ensuring consistent application of standards across similar courses and awards; - Feedback : Valuing constructive feedback from external examiners to improve teaching and assessment practices; - Collaboration : Fostering productive working relationships between external examiners, faculty, and administrative staff; - Diversity : Striving for diversity in the selection of external examiners to reflect a multiplicity of perspectives; - Continuous Development: Utilising external insights to drive the evolution of our curriculum and assessment methods; - Accountability : Holding all parties accountable to the principles outlined in the regulations for fair and ethical conduct. REGULATORY CONTEXT: ------------------ This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following: R1. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): The Quality Code - This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality. R2. Office for Students (OfS): Sector-recognised standards - The standards set with regards to B5 and B8 of the OfS' conditions of registration for higher education institutions. R3. Office for Students (OfS): Regulatory framework for higher education in England - This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money. R4. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - External Expertise - R5. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Assessment and Marking - Guidance on assessment and marking for higher education providers . METRICS AND KPIS: ------------------ The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as key performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations: M1. Diversity of External Examiner Appointments: Appoint external examiners from at least 5 different institutions or professional backgrounds each academic year. Encourages diverse perspectives and insights, enhancing the School's assessment processes and maintaining robust academic standards. M2. External Examiner Attendance: Achieve 95% attendance of external examiners at required examination board meetings each academic year. Ensures active participation and oversight by external examiners, enhancing the integrity and credibility of the assessment process. M3. Implementation of External Examiner Recommendations: Address 90% of actionable external examiner recommendations within one academic year. Promotes continuous improvement by integrating external feedback into the School's processes, ensuring enhancements are made promptly. M4. Timeliness of External Examiner Reports: 100% of external examiner reports submitted within 10 working days after the examination board meetings. Ensures prompt feedback, allowing timely implementation of recommendations and maintaining seamless academic operations and improvements. SECTION 1: Functions and Responsibilities of External Examiners ------------------ 1.1. External Examiner Appointment and Reporting (by Academic Board): The Academic Board, responsible for programme standards and quality, has delegated the appointment and induction of external examiners to the Director of Education. The Director of Education must report to the Academic Board on external examiners. The Academic Board will review these reports and conduct an analysis of the institutional and professional backgrounds of the appointed external examiners; This delegation ensures effective management and oversight of external examiners, maintaining high standards and accountability. 1.2. Roles and Responsibilities of External Examiners (by External Examiner): External examiners are appointed to:; Provide commentary on academic standards; Offer impartial and independent advice on assessments and programmes; Comment on student achievement relative to standards; Contribute expertise on trends affecting standards; Attend relevant examination boards; Assist with continuous improvement; A. Module external examiners:; Audit summative assessments against level descriptors; Verify marking standards; Make independent judgements; Ensure all standards are followed; Do not adjudicate between internal examiners or resolve their differences; B. Programme external examiners:; The modules used for the purposes of the programme are appropriate;; That the marks have been ratified by the Module Examination Board;; That the classification algorithm has been applied correctly;; That there is parity across the sample of scripts that have been shared across all classifications;; That standards have been applied appropriately; External examiners confirm academic standards of awards, endorsing their components' level and standards; They are appointed to all School modules with summative assessments contributing to final awards. For exit awards involving modules without an external examiner, a relevant examiner will scrutinise the assessment process before ratification. They also scrutinise programmes and conferment; Specific roles and the duties of Chief External Examiners are in the External Examiners' Handbook; This ensures external examiners uphold academic standards, provide independent oversight, and contribute to continuous improvement. SECTION 2: Process for Appointing External Examiners ------------------ 2.1. Terms of Office (by Director of Education): External examiners are typically appointed for 4 years, extendable by one year in exceptional cases. Any changes to their duties, like adding new modules, require Academic Board approval. Reappointment is rare and only after a 5-year gap. Normally, an examiner should hold no more than 2 appointments for taught programmes simultaneously. Retired examiners may continue if they remain active in their field; These regulations ensure continuity, limit conflicts of interest, and maintain high standards by allowing only actively engaged examiners to serve. 2.2. Preventing Conflicts of Interest for External Examiners (by Director of Education): The School must not appoint external examiners who:; Are current employees or Board of Governors members; Are former staff or students within the last 5 years; Have close professional, contractual, or personal relationships with programme staff or students; Can significantly influence students' futures; Are from the same teaching team of the same institution; Have reciprocal arrangements with similar programmes at other institutions; To detect and address conflicts of interest:; Avoid appointing former validation panel members as initial external examiners unless justified; External examiners must not serve as consultants on programme design or review panels but may comment on module or programme modifications; External examiners must inform the Examination Board Chair of any conflicts upon appointment. Unresolved conflicts require resignation; These restrictions ensure external examiners remain independent, impartial, and free from conflicts of interest, maintaining the integrity of the examination process. 2.3. Director of Education and Induction (by Director of Education): The Director of Education must brief new external examiners promptly, preferably through an onsite visit. An annual workshop covering academic regulations, examiner roles, modules, examination boards, reporting, and administrative tasks is also required. External examiners must have AGS access to:; Academic regulations; Relevant programme and module specifications; Handbooks; Grading criteria and assessment briefs; External Examiner handbook; Instructions for commenting on draft exam papers; Marking and moderation procedures; Information on external scrutiny; Dates of mandatory examination board meetings; These measures ensure new external examiners are well-prepared and have the necessary resources to fulfil their duties effectively, maintaining high academic standards. 2.4. External Examiner Liability (by Academic Board): External examiners, as examination board members, are involved in all relevant decisions but hold no legal responsibility beyond what the law mandates; This clarifies the role and limits the legal liability of external examiners, ensuring they can contribute without undue concern for legal repercussions. 2.5. External Examiner Compensation (by Director of Education): External examiners are entitled to fees, travel, and subsistence expenses according to School policies, provided they submit the required reports; Compensating external examiners ensures their contributions are recognised and reimbursed, supporting their role in maintaining academic standards. 2.6. External Examiner Information and Student Contact (by Director of Education): Names, positions, and institutions of external examiners should be included in module or programme information. Students must not contact external examiners directly but should follow School procedures for assessment issues or contact their Personal Academic Tutor, programme or module leader, or Student Success Team; This ensures transparency about external examiners while directing students to the correct channels for support and issues, maintaining proper communication protocols. 2.7. Interaction Between External Examiners and Students (by Module Leader): External examiners generally do not meet with students unless arranged by programme or module teams. Such meetings help examiners:; Assess the assessment process; Evaluate programmes or subject areas; Gather feedback on the student experience; Students should be informed that:; The meeting aids quality assurance; It does not affect individual marks; Attendance is voluntary; External examiners should not assess students unless required by regulation or a professional body, agreed at validation, and included in programme/module specifications. Examiners may interview students for alternative or additional assessments if valid reasons for poor performance are established; This guideline clarifies the interaction between external examiners and students, safeguarding impartiality while allowing beneficial feedback and assessment processes. 2.8. External Examiner Information Access: Information on the role and responsibilities of external examiners, including this regulation, is available on the School website and the Automated Governance System (AGS); This ensures transparency and accessibility, allowing stakeholders to understand the role and responsibilities of external examiners. SECTION 3: Criteria for Selecting External Examiners ------------------ 3.1. Recommendations (by Programmes and Module Leaders Team): Module and programme teams should suggest external examiners, who should be appointed at least 6 months before the first assessments. Nominations are submitted to the Director of Education for initial consideration, then presented to the Academic Board for approval. Appointments should be phased for mentoring and handover. Significant changes or extensions to duties require Academic Board approval; Early appointment and phased integration ensure smooth transitions, effective mentoring, and adherence to academic standards. 3.2. Criteria for Appointing External Examiners (by Director of Education): The School applies the following criteria for appointing external examiners from academia, industry, business, and professions:; Fluency in English; Knowledge of UK HE sector standards for academic quality and enhancement; Subject matter expertise relevant to the module or programme; Relevant academic qualifications or extensive professional experience; Standing and credibility in the discipline; Familiarity with student achievement standards; Awareness of current curriculum developments; Experience in designing and operating assessment tasks and procedures; Experience in enhancing the student learning experience; Compliance with BCS criteria if applicable; These criteria ensure external examiners are highly qualified, respected, and knowledgeable, maintaining the School's academic standards and quality. 3.3. Exceptions for Nominating External Examiners (by Director of Education): The School must meet all criteria when nominating external examiners. Exceptions may be made for:; Nominees with extensive professional experience relevant to a vocational programme; Nominees without prior external examining experience; Nominations in small and specialist disciplines with a limited pool of candidates; This flexibility ensures qualified individuals can serve as external examiners, even in niche or vocational fields, maintaining high standards. 3.4. Appointing Nominees Who Do Not Meet All Criteria (by Director of Education): Nominees who do not meet all criteria may be appointed as part of an experienced examining team, overseen by the Director of Education. The School may appoint a Chief Examiner from the approved team, meeting the usual criteria and relevant subject responsibilities. First-time examiners require mentoring and must attend the School's workshop. Nominations from diverse contexts are encouraged; This ensures flexibility in appointments while maintaining rigorous standards and benefiting from diverse external scrutiny. SECTION 4: External Examiner Oversight: Assessment Review, Programme Evaluation, and Board Participation ------------------ 4.1. Information and Collaboration with External Examiners (by Module Leader): Module leaders must send external examiners:; AGS access information; Module specifications and handbook; Summative assessment briefs and papers; Generic and specific assessment criteria; Model answers; Marker instructions; Internal moderation details; 25% script sample across all grades, including fails and borderlines; List of all module marks; Instructions, comments, and assessment analysis; Programme leaders must send external examiners:; AGS access for the programme and modules; Programme and module specifications and handbooks; Module leaders’ assessment process statements, mark analysis, and MEB outcomes; List of all module marks; Award classification algorithm application; Instructions and considerations for the examiner; External examiners:; Provide impartial advice and commentary on academic standards and student achievement; Do not adjudicate between internal examiners or resolve their differences; Audit marking standards, make independent judgments, ensure standards are met, attend boards, and assist with improvement; In the event of a disagreement between a module leader and an external examiner regarding marking or standards, the module leader should first document the differences and seek an informal discussion with the external examiner. If the issue remains unresolved, it will be escalated to the Director of Education, who will serve as the final arbiter. Throughout this process, maintaining academic standards is essential. Emphasis will be placed on continuous improvement through the use of reports, professional development for staff as needed, data analysis, and policy revisions, all aimed at fostering a culture of ongoing enhancement; External examiners also send a written report to module or programme leaders, who should collaborate on any issues. The Director of Education can assist. Both leaders must respond to examiner reports and engage in further discussions. Module examiners should attend MEB; programme examiners should attend PEB; This ensures external examiners receive the necessary information to uphold academic standards, provide independent scrutiny, and collaborate effectively with module and programme leaders. 4.2. Exam Board Membership and Presence (by Academic Board): The Academic Board is responsible for the standards and quality of the School's programmes. It delegates authority to two bodies:; Module Examination Board (MEB); Programme Examination Board (PEB); The MEB ensures:; Assessments follow academic regulations and standards; Issues like academic misconduct and extenuating circumstances are addressed; Summative assessment marks are valid and reliable; External examiners and stakeholders are consulted; Industry and sector trends are considered; Standards are maintained over time; Proper student profiles go to the PEB; The PEB ensures:; Programme awards and classifications are conferred correctly; Awards are valid, reliable, and meet sector standards; Ratified module profiles are used for award classification algorithms; Decisions on withdrawals and expulsions are made; Compliance with academic regulations; Exit awards are ratified; External examiners and stakeholders are consulted; Industry and sector trends are considered; Consistency and standards are maintained over time; All external examiners are members of the MEB and PEB and must attend these exams boards. A quorum requires at least one external examiner; External examiners are required to sign a Statement of Procedural Compliance at the end of every examination board meeting. If they are unwilling to sign, they must report their concerns in writing to the Chair of the Academic Board. The School will investigate the matter; This structure maintains the validity, reliability, and standards of assessments and awards, ensuring academic integrity and quality through wide consultation and compliance. 4.3. Submission and Handling of External Examiner Reports (by External Examiner): External examiners must submit:; A module/programme-specific report; A report to the Chair of the Academic Board; The specific report, commenting on assessment and award standards, should be included in the reports from module leaders, programme leaders, and the Director of Education, and sent to the Academic Board as part of the Monitoring and Evaluation Regulations. The report should go directly to the Chair of the Academic Board. Recipients must respond and discuss these reports; This process ensures thorough review and incorporation of external examiner insights, contributing to the Board of Governors' standards review and continuous improvement. SECTION 5: Procedures for External Examiner Resignations and Terminations ------------------ 5.1. Resignation and Replacement of External Examiners (by External Examiner): External examiners should resign if unable to complete their term or if unavailable for an extended period. The resignation procedure is in the External Examiners’ Handbook. Reasonable notice should be given for replacement. Resignations must be reported to the Academic Board. If tenure ends unexpectedly, the School must promptly appoint a qualified substitute; This ensures smooth transitions and continuity in external examining, maintaining academic standards. 5.2. Termination of External Examiner Appointment (by Academic Board): External examiners are crucial for maintaining the School's academic standards. Failure to fulfil duties may lead to termination by the Academic Board in cases of:; Noncompliance with academic regulations unresolved by the President or Director of Education; Unexcused absence from required Examination Boards without prior agreement; Failing to submit or complete a report on time; Unresolved conflict of interest due to personal circumstances; Significant programme changes, such as discontinuation; This ensures that only committed and compliant external examiners are responsible for upholding the School's academic standards. 5.3. Early Termination of External Examiner Appointment: For early termination of an external examiner, the following steps apply:; The module or programme leader informs the Director of Education, detailing the reason; The Director evaluates, consults the Academic Board, and sends a letter to the examiner; The letter explains the situation and requests a response; If unresolved, the appointment is terminated; The School begins nominating and appointing a replacement examiner; This process ensures orderly and justified termination, maintaining the integrity and continuity of external examining.