POLICY: Academic Regulations - Modes of Study Regulations POLICY URL: /policy/afaa41e5-c85a-4e55-b8c7-9e30f16f7bca POLICY STATEMENT: The School is committed to delivering high-quality education through four flexible study modes that accommodate a diverse range of students, both nationally and internationally. We ensure that all programmes, regardless of study mode, uphold consistent standards and quality. Our approach supports equality, inclusivity, and lifelong learning, offering flexibility to students balancing work and study. POLICY PRINCIPLES: ------------------ - Flexibility : Offering a range of study options to suit the diverse lifestyles and commitments of our student body; - Access : Ensuring that students of all backgrounds have equal access to our modes of study; - Equity : Treating all students fairly, irrespective of their chosen mode of study; - Quality : Maintaining high-quality standards across all modes of study without compromise; - Inclusivity : Creating an inclusive academic environment that accommodates different learning preferences and needs; - Support : Providing appropriate support and resources tailored to each mode of study; - Engagement : Encouraging active and meaningful engagement in all modes of study for enhanced learning outcomes; - Innovation : Embracing innovative teaching methods and technologies to facilitate various modes of study; - Continuity : Ensuring consistency and smooth transitions for students switching between different modes of study; - Coherence : Aligning the modes of study with the School's academic goals and student learning objectives; - Adaptation : Responding to the evolving educational landscape with adaptable and responsive modes of study; - Sustainability : Committing to the long-term viability and relevance of each mode of study offered by the School. REGULATORY CONTEXT: ------------------ This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following: R1. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): The Quality Code - This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality. R2. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Enabling Student Achievement - R3. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Course Design and Development - R4. Office for Students (OfS): Sector-recognised standards - The standards set with regards to B5 and B8 of the OfS' conditions of registration for higher education institutions. METRICS AND KPIS: ------------------ The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as key performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations: M1. Engagement Level with Online Resources: Achieve a minimum engagement rate of 70% with online resources (such as VLE and AGS) for students in Flexible Online Learning modes within each semester. This KPI evaluates how actively students in online modes are using provided resources, which is crucial for maintaining academic standards and ensuring students benefit from available support. M2. Programme Completion Rate by Study Mode: Attain a programme completion rate of at least 75% within the maximum registration period (MRP) for each study mode annually. Tracking completion rates helps assess whether students are successfully finishing their programmes within the expected timeframes, ensuring that all modes support academic progression effectively. M3. Student Satisfaction Across Modes of Study: Achieve a student satisfaction rating of at least 85% for each study mode (Full-Time Blended, Part-Time Blended, Accelerated Blended, Flexible Online) in annual surveys. This KPI measures overall student contentment with their mode of study, indicating the effectiveness of the School's flexible delivery and support structures. High satisfaction rates across all modes reflect successful implementation of the policy. M4. Timeliness of Mode Transfer Requests: Process and respond to 95% of mode transfer requests within 10 working days. This KPI ensures that requests to switch study modes are handled efficiently, which supports the School’s commitment to flexibility and responsiveness, thereby improving overall student satisfaction and retention. SECTION 1: Study Modes Offered by the School ------------------ 1.1. What is a Mode of Study: A mode of study defines the time, method, and status of how students undertake academic programmes at the School; This ensures clarity on the structure and expectations for students based on their chosen mode of study. 1.2. Modes of Study At the School: The School offers the following Modes of Study:; Full-Time Blended Learning; Part-Time Blended Learning; Accelerated Blended Learning; Flexible Online Learning; These modes provide various options to accommodate different student needs and schedules while maintaining consistent academic standards across all formats. 1.3. Credits (by Students): The number of credits that students can do on each mode of study in each academic year are:; Full-time Blended Learning; Part-time Blended Learning; Accelerated Blended Learning; Flexible Online Learning; Undergraduate; Up to 60 credits per semester across 2-semesters; Up to 30 credits per semester across 2 semesters; Up to 60 credits per semester across 3 semesters; Up to 60 credits per semester across 2 semesters; Postgraduate; Up to 60 credits per semester across 3-semesters; Up to 30 credits per semester across 3 semesters; X; Up to 60 credits per semester across 3 semesters; This is subject to the Module, Progression, and Award Regulations on multi-level programmes, which allow up to 20 extra credits to be taken from one level to another if a student is required to retake a module. 1.4. Maximum Registration Period (MRP) (by Admissions Team): The effective dates for registration and enrolment on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes, for determining the maximum registration period (MRP) on Full-Time Blended, Part-Time Blended, and Accelerated Blended Learning modes, are:; 1 February; 1 June; 1 October; For Flexible-Online programmes, registration can occur at any time during the year. The Admissions Team will provide applicants with their effective date of registration; The MRP (Years) for each award from these effective dates of registration, based on a mode of study, are:; Award; Full-Time Blended Learning (Years); Part-Time Blended Learning (Years); Accelerated Blended Learning (years); Flexible Online Learning (Years); Min; Max; Min; Max; Min; Max; Min; Max; Taught masters’ degrees e.g. MSc; 1; 5; 2; 10; X; X; 1; 5; Postgraduate diplomas; 1; 3; 2; 6; X; X; 1; 3; Postgraduate certificates; 1; 3; 2; 6; X; X; 1; 3; Bachelors’ degrees with honours e.g. BSc Hons; 3; 6; 6; 12; 2; 4; 3; 6; Bachelors’ degrees; 3; 6; 6; 12; 2; 4; 3; 6; Graduate diplomas; 1; 3; 2; 6; X; X; 1; 3; Graduate certificates; 1; 3; 2; 6; X; X; 1; 3; Diplomas of Higher Education (DipHE); 2; 4; 4; 8; X; X; 2; 4; Certificates of Higher Education (CertHE); 1; 3; 2; 6; X; X; 1; 3; Students must complete all levels of their awards within the maximum registration period (MRP) applicable to their mode of study and re-enrol each calendar year. This re-enrolment date will be used for issuing invoices and processing payments. Compliance with Professional, Statutory, and Regulatory Bodies (PSRB) and other relevant external requirements is also required; These rules ensure that students progress within the designated timeframes for their awards. 1.5. Extension of the Maximum Periods of Registration (MRP): Students may apply for an extension of MRP in exceptional circumstances where they have encountered significant challenges beyond their control that prevent them from completing a programme within the published MRP; Please see the process set out in the Student Admission and Registration Regulations. SECTION 2: Programme Approval Procedures ------------------ 2.1. Programme Approval Rules (by Academic Board): Programme documentation submitted for approval must include details of the modes of study; Including modes of study in programme documentation ensures that the approval process considers all available study options, providing clarity and alignment with the School's educational framework. SECTION 3: Changing Mode of Study ------------------ 3.1. Changing Programmes and/or Modes of Study (by Director of Education): Students may transfer to a different programme or mode of study with the Director of Education's approval; The Director of Education's decision facilitates student flexibility and acknowledges the value of work experience by allowing mode changes. Transfers will adjust the Maximum Registration Period (MRP) based on the effective enrolment date of the previous programme or mode of study. The Director's decision is final and non-reviewable. 3.2. Module Exam Board Decision (by Module Examination Board): A student may need to transfer to a different mode of study for specific modules if required by the Academic Regulations; This rule allows flexibility for students, such as permitting a Full-Time Blended student who failed an exam to access content online instead of attending live sessions, as decided by the Module Exam Board. SECTION 4: Maintaining Uniformity and Quality Across Study Modes ------------------ 4.1. Monitoring Mechanisms (by Academic Board): The School ensures consistent standards across all modes of study by:; Using the Automated Governance System (AGS) to log and monitor student engagement through its Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), ensuring records are available for staff inspection; Implementing the Engagement with Studies Policy to support students, including those studying online, by investigating engagement issues and providing additional support; Employing the VLE’s analytics and Interactive Knowledge Graphs (IKGs) to track student progress and assist through personal academic tutors; Assigning each student a Personal Academic Tutor (PAT), who monitors engagement through scheduled meetings and encourages use of support services if needed; Collecting student feedback through the Monitoring and Evaluation Regulations and programme representatives; Evaluating module assessment results and engagement through Examination Boards and Academic Appeal Regulations, with reports reviewed by governance bodies; These measures ensure that all students, regardless of their mode of study, receive the same standard of education and support, helping them succeed and maintain engagement.