POLICY: School Governance and Management - Health and Safety Policy POLICY URL: /policy/98f60352-3574-49ce-8a9f-cb1e3e2bd5cd POLICY STATEMENT: The School is committed to ensuring the health and safety of all members of its community, recognising that a secure and risk-conscious environment is essential for the wellbeing and productivity of students, staff, and visitors. Our Health and Safety Policy is integral to this commitment, providing a comprehensive framework for preventing injury, reducing hazards, and promoting a culture of safety throughout all School operations. This policy applies to everyone within the School’s premises, including contractors and temporary workers, reinforcing our determination to maintain health and safety as a priority in every aspect of the School’s activities. POLICY PRINCIPLES: ------------------ - Prevention : Proactively identifying and mitigating potential risks to prevent accidents and ill health; - Training : Providing comprehensive health and safety training to all members of the School community; - Awareness : Raising awareness about health and safety issues and best practices; - Compliance : Adhering to all relevant health and safety legislation and regulations; - Responsibility : Clarifying health and safety responsibilities for all levels within the School; - Reporting : Encouraging the reporting of all hazards, incidents, and near misses; - Monitoring : Regularly reviewing and monitoring the effectiveness of health and safety measures; - Engagement : Involving staff and students in health and safety decisions and initiatives; - Support : Offering support and resources for health and safety issues; - Continual Improvement : Continually improving health and safety performance through regular assessment and feedback; - Accountability : Holding individuals accountable for fulfilling their health and safety responsibilities; - Emergency Preparedness : Ensuring effective procedures are in place to manage emergencies and critical incidents. REGULATORY CONTEXT: ------------------ This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following: R1. Advance HE: Code of Governance for Universities - A code of governance that sets out the principles and standards that universities in the UK should follow. R2. Office for Students (OfS): Regulatory Notices and Advice - Regulatory notices are additional information about OfS' regulatory requirements and are part of the regulatory framework. Regulatory advice helps providers understand and meet OfS requirements. R3. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): The Quality Code - This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality. R4. Committee of University Chairs : The Higher Education Code of Governance - A code aimed at ensuring the highest levels of governance at higher education institutions. R5. Health and Safety Executive (HSE): Managing risks in the higher education sector - Guidance for higher education providers on their obligations under health and safety law. R6. UK Government : Equality Act 2010 - Equalities law to prohibit harassment and victimisation, and eliminate discrimination, including in the area of further and higher education, particularly with regards to specified personal characteristics. METRICS AND KPIS: ------------------ The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as key performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations: M1. Accident and Incident Resolution Time: Average time taken to resolve reported health and safety incidents. Measures efficiency in addressing and mitigating safety issues. M2. Compliance with Risk Assessments: Percentage of completed and reviewed risk assessments in line with policy requirements. Ensures that risk assessments are regularly updated, maintaining a proactive safety stance. M3. Incident Reporting Rate: Measure the number of health and safety incidents reported per month. High reporting rates indicate active monitoring and prompt reporting of safety issues. M4. Safety Inspection Frequency: Number of scheduled safety inspections conducted versus planned inspections per year; Regular inspections help identify and address potential hazards promptly. M5. Training Completion Rate: Percentage of staff and students who have completed mandatory health and safety training annually. Training ensures everyone is informed about safety practices and legal requirements. SECTION 1: Health and Safety Framework ------------------ 1.1. Commitment to Health and Safety: The School is deeply committed to health and safety by:; Compliance with Law and Regulations: Adhering to health and safety law and regulations; Leadership and Governance: Recognising the importance of effective governance, leadership, and staff contributions in maintaining a safe environment; Senior Management Responsibility: Assigning primary responsibility for safety and risk minimisation to senior managers, who must lead by example; Personal Responsibility: Ensuring that all members and visitors take personal responsibility for their own safety and contribute to the safety of others, with managerial structures supporting risk assessment; Risk Management Framework: Implementing this Health and Safety Policy as a framework for effective risk management and compliance; This approach ensures that the School meets legal requirements and maintains a safe environment through strong leadership, shared responsibility, and a structured risk management framework, essential for the well-being of all members and visitors. 1.2. Policy Statement (by Executive Committee): The School's approach to health and safety is as follows:; Health, Safety, and Wellbeing:; The School is dedicated to ensuring the health, safety, and wellbeing of all members; We will conduct our activities to safeguard everyone affected by our operations; Compliance with all Health and Safety legislation is mandatory; Provision for a Safe Environment:; We will ensure a safe and healthy working environment; Staff will receive adequate information, instruction, training, and supervision to maintain their own safety and that of others; Safe equipment, systems, and procedures will be provided; Safe handling, storage, and transport of materials will be ensured; Management Procedures and Risk Assessment:; Management procedures will monitor and audit safety compliance; Risk assessment and control measures will be implemented for all operations; Only competent contractors and suppliers will be engaged; Review of Policy:; This policy will be reviewed annually and updated as needed in response to significant changes; This policy outlines our commitment to providing a safe environment through compliance with legislation, effective risk management, and regular policy reviews, ensuring the well-being of all members and visitors. SECTION 2: Illustrative Health and Safety Risks ------------------ 2.1. Identifying and Managing Health and Safety Risks (by Executive Committee): The School addresses key health and safety concerns as follows:; Fire Hazards: Manage risks from electrical equipment, overheating, and improper storage of flammable materials; Cybersecurity Threats: Protect against malware, ransomware, and phishing to safeguard data and sensitive information; Electrical Hazards: Ensure proper wiring and maintenance to prevent shocks or fires from damaged cords; Physical Injuries: Prevent accidents in classrooms and workshops, including slips, trips, and falls; Ergonomic Hazards: Address repetitive stress injuries from prolonged computer use and ensure proper workstation setup; Chemical Hazards: Handle cleaning agents and chemicals safely, ensuring proper storage and usage; Psychological Hazards: Support mental health by addressing stress, anxiety, and academic pressures; Infectious Diseases: Prevent the spread of diseases through hygiene and cleanliness in shared spaces; Food Safety Hazards: Ensure that any offered food and drink are safe and uncontaminated; Indoor Air Quality: Maintain good ventilation and address issues like mold to prevent respiratory problems; Security Risks: Secure classrooms and labs to prevent unauthorised access, theft, and violence; Infrastructure Hazards: Maintain facilities to prevent hazards like loose tiles and poor lighting; Emergency Preparedness: Develop and implement plans for medical emergencies, natural disasters, and security breaches; Work-related Stress: Address and mitigate work-related stress among faculty and staff; Environmental Risks: Comply with environmental regulations and manage waste to protect the environment; This approach ensures comprehensive management of health and safety risks, promoting a secure and conducive learning environment while protecting the well-being of students, staff, and visitors. SECTION 3: Health and Safety Duties and Responsibilities ------------------ 3.1. Health and Safety Responsibilities (by All Staff and Students): All members of the School have a responsibility for health and safety:; Board of Governors; The Board of Governors of the School has overall responsibility for:; the health and safety of all members of the School whilst at work; ensuring the conduct of School activities such that they do not expose others to unacceptable risks; approval of the School Health and Safety Policy; delegating operational oversight for health and safety to the Quality, Compliance, and Audit Committee; receiving safety reports from the Quality, Compliance, and Audit Committee and reviewing them together with other key safety performance indicators; President; The President of the School is responsible for ensuring health and safety policies are in place and followed. This includes:; Making sure health, safety, and well-being are considered in School planning; Appointing the Director of Operations to oversee health and safety; Allocating budget and resources for support and advice; Developing and maintaining health and safety arrangements, and ensuring risk assessments are completed; Executive Committee; The Executive Committee is responsible to:; Ensure appropriate resource allocation for safety management within respective areas of responsibility in the preparation of budget plans; Receive reports on health and safety from their respective President or Directors; Ensure effective development and support for School safety management arrangements; Include health, safety and wellbeing as an agenda item in EC meetings; Ensure appropriate consideration of health, safety and wellbeing matters School planning; Director of Operations; The Director of Operations has the following safety management functions within the School:; Annual planning and develop and maintain health and safety arrangements; Implement and keep under review a health and safety plan; Develop arrangements for relevant committees to be in operation; Ensure that arrangements are in place for the completion of risk assessments; Delegate to appropriate staff-specific duties relating to the implementation and monitoring of the health and safety policies and arrangements; Ensure appropriate safety training needs and competencies are identified and training is provided with appropriate records. In particular ensure that those staff with delegated safety responsibilities receive adequate training and support to discharge their duties; Implement a suitable and sufficient inspection programme, reporting outcomes and completion of actions to the Quality, Compliance, and Audit Committee; Ensure adequate resource allocation in budget planning for safety management; Ensure periodic reporting to the Quality, Compliance, and Audit Committee on safety performance, including accidents and incidents; Ensure compliance with accident reporting and investigation procedures; Ensure an appropriate Safety Management Software is fully implemented across the School; Seek advice where necessary from specialist services to fulfil these functions; Ensure no illegal substances and drugs, flammable materials, gas canisters, pyrotechnics, toxic chemicals or any other hazardous materials or substances or devices that could cause safety or security concerns is brought to the School; All Staff and Students; Staff and students must ensure that they:; Read safety notices posted on the School website and AGS and be aware of the safety rules applicable to the buildings they access; Familiarise themselves with the escape routes and know what to do in the event of a fire; Take reasonable care of their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions; Co-operate with the School on matters relating to health and safety; Follow safety procedures; Do not interfere with or misuse any item provided for health, safety or welfare purposes; Report any hazard or concern on health and safety; Provide information to enable the School to implement personal emergency evacuation plans and fulfil its obligations in relation to fire safety if they have any permanent or temporary mobility disabilities that could impede their ability to leave a building or use the stairs unassisted; Comply with safety rules and procedures and cooperate with the School in all duties imposed by the Health and Safety at Work Act or other statutory provisions; Avoid any reckless behaviour; Take positive steps to identify hazards; Avoid putting themselves or others at risk, whether through action or inaction; Failing to follow safety rules may result in disciplinary action or criminal prosecution; This rule clearly delineates the responsibilities of each group within the School to ensure comprehensive health and safety management, compliance with legal requirements, and the protection of all members of the School community. SECTION 4: Operational Execution and Annual Planning ------------------ 4.1. Planning and Action (by Director of Operations): Consultation Arrangements:; Formal consultations on health and safety occur through periodic meetings chaired by the Director of Operations, who reports to the Executive Committee; The President may request additional management members, such as the Director of Education and Director of Technology, to attend. Members of the Student Experience Committee and, if active, up to two members from the Students’ Union will also attend; Meeting Topics Include:; Fire safety and emergency procedures; First aid and accident reporting; Risk assessments; Safety training and competence; Safe use of work equipment (including electrical and contractor equipment); Student work placements; Health and Safety management; The Director of Operations is responsible for implementing actions from these meetings and incorporating them into annual planning and reporting. They must develop local safety arrangements based on the School's main Health and Safety Policy and any specific guidance notes. For new hazards or risks, the Director of Operations will create additional local safety procedures; Annual Planning:; During each planning cycle, the Director of Operations prepares an annual plan on:; Health and Safety Policies and Plan - Develop, maintain, and ensure health and safety policies; implement and review the health and safety plan; Committee Management - Establish and manage relevant health and safety committees; Risk Assessment - Ensure completion and compliance with risk assessments; Staff Training - Identify training needs, provide training, and maintain records; Inspection Programme - Implement inspections and report outcomes to the Quality, Compliance, and Audit Committee; Budget and Resources - Allocate and manage resources for safety within budget planning; Reporting and Compliance - Report safety performance, handle accidents, and ensure software implementation; Specialist Advice - Seek necessary advice from specialist services and ensure no hazardous materials are brought to the School; Monitoring and Review:; Safety procedures and compliance are monitored daily by all staff, particularly the Director of Operations, who will conduct suitable internal inspections based on the School's size, risk level, and hazards. The Director of Operations oversees all health and safety requirements identified; Departments must perform at least one annual inspection, following a framework set by the Director of Operations. Additional monitoring is carried out during accident investigations, complaints, and feedback; The Director of Operations provides training for staff conducting safety inspections and audits; Reporting:; The Director of Operations reports formally to the Executive Committee and Quality, Compliance, and Audit Committee, who prepare reports for the Board of Governors; This rule ensures structured consultation, consistent monitoring, and effective reporting on health and safety matters. It establishes clear responsibilities and procedures for maintaining and enhancing safety standards across the School.