POLICY: Academic Experience Policies - Assessment Scheduling Policy POLICY URL: https://lsi-ac.uk/policy/65e09a1b-53a4-4a7c-aa93-26a783717a19 POLICY STATEMENT: The School is committed to transparent and organised assessment scheduling. Each module is assessed independently within the semester it is delivered. A detailed assessment schedule, including deadlines and exam dates, will be available on the Automated Governance System (AGS) and personalised timetables before the semester starts. Assessments will not be scheduled on Fridays, weekends, or outside standard hours unless approved by the Academic Board. Module leaders will provide timely details and notify students immediately of any changes. POLICY PRINCIPLES: ------------------ - Equity : Ensuring all students have equal access to assessment opportunities; - Transparency : Providing clear communication regarding the timing and format of assessments; - Balance : Scheduling assessments to avoid unnecessary clustering and student overload; - Flexibility : Facilitating adjustments for students with specific requirements; - Timeliness : Giving students adequate notice to prepare for assessments effectively; - Efficiency : Organising assessment periods to maximise use of resources and spaces; - Well-being: Considering student well-being in the scheduling of assessments; - Fairness : Maintaining impartial scheduling, free from preferential treatment; - Responsibility : Encouraging a sense of personal responsibility among students to manage their assessment schedules; - Accessibility : Guaranteeing that assessment venues are accessible to all students; - Consistency : Applying the scheduling policy consistently across all School programmes; - Continuous Review : Periodically reviewing scheduling policies to respond to student feedback and evolving academic needs REGULATORY CONTEXT: ------------------ This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following: R1. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Learning and Teaching - R2. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): The Quality Code - This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality. R3. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Enabling Student Achievement - R4. Office for Students (OfS): Regulatory framework for higher education in England - This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money. R5. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Assessment and Marking - Guidance on assessment and marking for higher education providers . R6. Office for Students (OfS): Sector-recognised standards - The standards set with regards to B5 and B8 of the OfS' conditions of registration for higher education institutions. METRICS AND KPIS: ------------------ The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as key performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations: M1. Exception Approvals by Academic Board: Obtain approval from the Academic Board for 100% of assessments scheduled outside standard hours or on non-standard days. Ensures that any deviations from the standard scheduling rules are justified and properly authorised, maintaining transparency. M2. Notification of Assessment Changes: 100% of students must be notified of any changes to assessment dates or details within 48 hours of the change being decided. Provides students with prompt information to adjust their plans, enhancing their ability to manage and prepare for assessments effectively. M3. Student Feedback on Scheduling Clarity: Achieve a minimum satisfaction score of 90% from students regarding the clarity and accessibility of assessment scheduling information. Measures student satisfaction with the scheduling process and identifies areas for improvement in communication and information delivery. M4. Timely Publication of Assessment Schedule: The assessment schedule, including deadlines and exam dates, must be published on the Automated Governance System (AGS) and personalised timetables at least four weeks before the start of the semester. Ensures students have sufficient time to prepare and plan their study schedules, promoting transparency. SECTION 1: Principles for Assessment Scheduling ------------------ 1.1. Independent Module Assessment (by Director of Education): Each module will be assessed separately from other modules; Assessing each module independently ensures a focused evaluation of specific learning outcomes and reduces potential scheduling conflicts, providing a fair and clear assessment of each student's performance in individual modules. 1.2. Timing of Module Assessments (by Director of Education): Each module must generally be assessed within the semester it is delivered, with the exception of Final Project Modules; Assessing modules within the same semester ensures timely feedback and maintains alignment with the course structure, while allowing for exceptions like Final Project Modules, which may require extended evaluation periods. 1.3. Summative Assessment Periods (by Module Leader): Summative assessments will be scheduled for Week 7 and the final 2 weeks of each semester; Designating these specific periods for summative assessments ensures a structured approach to evaluating student performance, providing adequate time for both mid-semester and end-of-semester evaluations. 1.4. Coordinate Timing and Logistical Arrangements (by Director of Operations): It is essential for the Education team, under the Director of Education, and the Estates and Facilities team, under the Director of Operations, to collaborate in coordinating the timing and logistical arrangements for all assessments. They must establish a protocol that includes:; ; Scheduling and Allocation of Exam Rooms : Allocate and schedule exam rooms according to assessment needs and student requirements, ensuring rooms are appropriately equipped and meet any special needs; ; Setup of Digital Platforms : Manage the setup and functionality of digital platforms for online or hybrid assessments, ensuring all technological resources are operational and accessible; ; Communication and Coordination : Facilitate clear communication between teams to address any issues or changes, providing regular updates to keep all parties informed and aligned; ; Video Equipment in Rooms : Ensure that rooms used for presentations or assessments requiring video are equipped with functioning video technology, supporting effective communication and presentation; ; Contingency Planning : Develop contingency plans for potential issues such as technical failures or room conflicts, ensuring prompt resolution to maintain the integrity of the assessment process; A well-defined protocol ensures that all logistical aspects, from room allocation to digital setup and video requirements, are managed efficiently. This coordination helps prevent conflicts, ensures resource availability, and provides a smooth and equitable assessment experience for all students. 1.5. Assessment Scheduling and Management (by Director of Education): The School will ensure assessments are manageable by publishing a schedule of exams and coursework deadlines on the website and the AGS. Assessments will not be scheduled on Fridays, weekends, or outside standard hours, except in exceptional circumstances approved by the Academic Board. Module leaders will provide assessment details and dates early in the semester and notify students immediately of any changes; Publishing a clear assessment schedule and adhering to standard scheduling times helps students plan effectively and reduces stress. Early communication of assessment details and prompt updates ensure students are well-prepared and can manage their workload efficiently. 1.6. Publication of Summative Assessment Dates (by Director of Education): The dates for all summative assessments will be published on the website and the AGS. Students will receive personalised notifications about these assessments through the AGS; Publishing assessment dates on the website and AGS ensures transparency and accessibility. Personalised notifications help students stay informed and organised, facilitating effective preparation for their assessments. SECTION 2: Learning Support Plans and Reasonable Adjustments ------------------ 2.1. Implement and Record Adjustments (by Student Wellbeing Team): It is important to implement and accurately record all approved adjustments in the scheduling system. This includes extending deadlines and accommodating specific assessment requirements. Communicate these adjustments clearly to all relevant parties, including facilities and estate teams, students, and invigilators; Accurate implementation and communication of adjustments ensure that all students receive their required accommodations. This prevents scheduling conflicts and ensures that everyone involved is well-informed and prepared. 2.2. Prepare Assessment Environments (by Director of Operations): It is necessary to arrange and prepare assessment environments based on the individual needs of students. This involves setting up private rooms, equipping rooms with necessary technology or modifications, and ensuring that supportive seating is available and ready; Proper preparation of assessment environments helps reduce distractions and ensures that students have the appropriate conditions to perform their assessments effectively. Advance preparation minimizes disruptions and ensures that all accommodations are in place on the assessment day. 2.3. Coordinate Assistive Services (by Director of Education): It is crucial to coordinate the provision of assistive services, such as additional time, breaks, and support personnel (e.g., scribes, readers). Ensure that these services are arranged and fully operational before and during assessments; Effective coordination of assistive services ensures that all necessary resources are available and functioning as required. This prevents delays and disruptions, allowing students to complete their assessments under the best possible conditions. 2.4. Inform and Train Stakeholders (by Student Wellbeing Team): It is important to provide detailed information to markers and invigilators about the specific adjustments and accommodations granted to each student. Collaborate with student support services to ensure accurate implementation of these adjustments. Establish a process for collecting ongoing feedback to refine and improve logistical arrangements; Informing markers and invigilators ensures that they are aware of the accommodations and can fairly evaluate student performance. Collaboration and feedback mechanisms help address any issues and improve the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the assessment process. SECTION 3: Automatic Assessment Rule ------------------ 3.1. Registered for Assessments (by Students): A student who registers for a module is deemed to have registered for its assessments unless they have formally withdrawn through the system. Missing an assessment will result in a mark of 0%, except in cases of intermission or extenuating circumstances. Starting an assessment, such as an exam or presentation, will be considered as having completed it, and the School's policies, including those on extenuating circumstances, will apply. Submitting a coursework late and the effect of extenuating circumstances is dealt with by the Assessment Regulations; This ensures that students are held accountable for their assessments unless they officially withdraw or have valid reasons like intermission or extenuating circumstances. It maintains fairness by treating the start of an assessment as a commitment to complete it, thus applying the School's policies consistently. SECTION 4: Post-Assessment Extenuating Circumstances ------------------ 4.1. Extenuating Circumstances for Assessments (by Students): Extenuating circumstances (EC) are unforeseen events beyond a student's control that hinder their ability to perform in assessments. Students may apply for EC in cases of:; Absence from an assessment; Non-submission of assignments; Late submission of assignments; Unrepresentative performance in assessments; EC requests should be submitted after the assessment, while requests for extensions before an assessment are covered by separate regulations on submission extensions. The School aims to process EC requests fairly for all students. Fraudulent EC requests will be treated seriously, with appropriate action taken against those attempting to gain an unfair advantage. Refer to the Extenuating Circumstances and Submission Extension Regulations for the submission process; Clearly defining EC and outlining the application process ensures that students understand what qualifies as extenuating circumstances and how to apply. This approach maintains fairness for all students and upholds academic integrity. SECTION 5: Pre-Assessment Submission Extension Requests ------------------ 5.1. Submission Extensions: Before an Assessment is Due in or has Happened (by Students): Extenuating circumstances (EC) apply after an assessment, such as missing a deadline. If a student anticipates missing a deadline before an assessment is due, they must apply for a submission extension . This also applies to students with Learning Support Plans (LSPs). Refer to the Extenuating Circumstances and Submission Extension Regulations for details on the submission extension process; Clarifying the timing for applying for EC and submission extensions ensures that students know when and how to request extensions. This maintains fairness and provides support for those with valid reasons for not meeting deadlines. SECTION 6: Religious Observance and Examination Arrangements ------------------ 6.1. Regulations on Religion and Exam Arrangements (by Director of Education): For details on religion-related considerations and exam arrangements, please refer to the Assessments Regulations; Directing students to the relevant regulations ensures they have access to specific guidelines on how religious observances are accommodated within the exam schedule.