POLICY: Academic Experience Policies - School Calendar and Semesters Policy POLICY URL: https://lsi-ac.uk/policy/202b81ad-0081-4438-8a5e-0a49326fc19b POLICY STATEMENT: The School is committed to providing a structured and transparent academic calendar for its undergraduate and postgraduate programmes across various study modes. This policy ensures effective planning and delivery of teaching, learning, and assessments, while accommodating diverse needs. By aligning with sector standards, it supports clear timelines for academic terms, examination sessions, and breaks, fostering consistency and effective management for students, faculty, and staff. POLICY PRINCIPLES: ------------------ - Consistency : Establishing a reliable and recurrent academic calendar that the School community can depend upon; - Advance Planning : Providing adequate lead time for students and staff to prepare for academic terms and responsibilities; - Clarity : Presenting clear start and end dates for all semesters and breaks within the academic year; - Transparency : Making the academic calendar readily accessible and understandable to all stakeholders; - Balance : Structuring the calendar to provide a balance between academic pursuits and personal time; - Equity : Ensuring the calendar considers the needs of a wide range of students and staff; - Adaptability : Allowing for flexibility in the calendar to accommodate exceptional circumstances; - Harmony : Aligning the School’s calendar with external academic and sector requirements where applicable; - Cultural Sensitivity : Recognising and respecting cultural and religious observances in the planning of the academic year; - Efficiency : Maximising the use of time for both teaching and learning activities; - Student Welfare : Considering student welfare in the design of the academic schedule to prevent burnout; - Continuous Review : Regularly evaluating the calendar to ensure it meets the evolving needs of the School community. REGULATORY CONTEXT: ------------------ This Policy has been developed in line with the applicable laws, regulations, regulatory advice, and sector best practices, including the following: R1. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): The Quality Code - This code represents a shared understanding of quality practice across the UK higher education sector, protecting public and student interests and championing the UK's reputation for quality. R2. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Course Design and Development - R3. Quality Assurance Agency (QAA): Advice - Enabling Student Achievement - R4. Office for Students (OfS): Regulatory framework for higher education in England - This framework outlines OfS' primary aim to ensure positive outcomes for students, including access, success, and progress in higher education. It covers quality academic experience, progress into employment, and value for money. METRICS AND KPIS: ------------------ The following metrics will be measured and regularly reviewed as key performance indicators for the School to ensure the effectiveness of this policy and associated operations: M1. Availability of Personalised Timetables: Provide personalised timetables to 100% of students within one week of their programme start date. Guarantees that each student receives their individual schedule promptly, facilitating effective time management. M2. Number of Complaints Related to Scheduling: Maintain fewer than 10 formal complaints about scheduling issues per academic year. Monitors the number of complaints to assess the effectiveness of scheduling practices and identify areas needing improvement. M3. Percentage of Timetables Accessed by Students: Achieve a 95% access rate for personalised timetables by students within 1 week of availability. Measures the extent to which students are using the provided timetables, reflecting their engagement with the scheduling system. M4. Resolution Time for Timetable Issues: Resolve 90% of timetable issues or discrepancies within 3 working days of reporting. Ensures timely correction of scheduling problems, minimising disruption to students’ academic activities. M5. Student Satisfaction with Timetable Clarity: Attain a student satisfaction score of at least 90% regarding the clarity and usefulness of timetables in annual surveys. Measures the effectiveness of timetable communication and its impact on student planning and satisfaction. SECTION 1: Policy Structure and Academic Calendar Overview ------------------ 1.1. Semester and Academic Year Structure (by Executive Committee): The School operates on a semester-based system with three semesters per academic year. The number of semesters and credits a student takes depends on their programme and mode of study. Academic years define the effective dates of registration, fee deadlines, and maximum registration periods; This structure ensures clarity in scheduling and financial obligations, helping students and staff manage their academic and administrative responsibilities efficiently. It supports consistent programme delivery and aligns with the School's operational and academic requirements. 1.2. Semester Structure and Timetable Management (by Executive Committee): Each semester comprises 14 weeks, allocated for teaching, reading week, revision, and assessments. Standard weeks run from Monday to Friday, 9am to 6pm. Students can download a personalised timetable from the Automated Governance System (AGS). Any timetable changes or events outside standard hours will be communicated via the AGS; This rule ensures a structured and transparent schedule for students, allowing them to manage their time effectively and stay informed of any changes, thereby supporting their academic planning and organisation. SECTION 2: Registration Timelines and Fee Requirements: Full-Time and Part-Time Blended Learning Students ------------------ 2.1. Registration Dates and Fee Payment (by Students): New students receive their effective date of registration upon accepting an offer. They must pay their fees and complete registration by this date. This registration date also establishes the minimum and maximum registration periods. Effective dates for Full-Time Blended, Part-Time Blended, and Accelerated Blended programmes are:; 1 February; 1 June; 1 October; This rule ensures students are informed of their registration deadlines and fee obligations, facilitating timely enrolment and clear management of their study period. SECTION 3: Registration Timelines and Fee Requirements: Flexible-Online Learning Students ------------------ 3.1. Registration Dates for Flexible-Online Programmes (by Students): New students on Flexible-Online programmes may start at any time during the academic year. The Admissions Team will provide details on the effective date of registration and enrolment, which will determine their maximum registration period (MRP); This rule allows flexibility for students starting Flexible-Online programmes while ensuring they are informed about important registration details that affect their enrolment duration. SECTION 4: Annual Credit Load Limits ------------------ 4.1. Credit Limits per Academic Year (by Students): The maximum credits a student can complete in an academic year vary by programme and study mode:; Full-time Blended Learning; Part-time Blended Learning; Accelerated Blended Learning; Flexible Online Learning; Undergraduate; Up to 60 credits across 2-semesters; Up to 30 credits across 2 semesters; Up to 60 credits across 3 semesters; Up to 60 credits across 2 semesters; Postgraduate; Up to 60 credits across 3-semesters; Up to 30 credits across 3 semesters; X; Up to 60 credits across 3 semesters; Additional credits may be taken under the Module, Progression, and Award Regulations, allowing up to 20 extra credits to be carried over if a module is retaken; This rule ensures that students are aware of their credit limits according to their study mode and programme, helping them plan their workload effectively and comply with academic regulations. SECTION 5: Availability of Customised Timetables ------------------ 5.1. Access to Timetables (by Students): Timetables for core and optional modules are available on the Automated Governance System (AGS). Students can also download their personalised timetables from this system; This rule ensures students have clear access to their module schedules, helping them manage their time effectively and stay organised. SECTION 6: Annual Re-registration and Fee Payment for Returning Students ------------------ 6.1. Annual Re-registration for Returning Students (by Students): Returning students, including those on multi-level programmes, must re-register each year and complete their programme within the maximum registration period (MRP) to qualify for a final award. Students will be notified of their registration date each year and must pay their fees and re-register by this date. They can download their timetables from the Automated Governance System (AGS); This rule ensures that students stay on track with their studies and comply with registration requirements. It also provides clear instructions for re-registration and timetable access, facilitating effective time management and financial planning.